BodySculpting for Offices is a procedure specially designed for those engaged in sitting work, which helps people deal with the challenges of sitting/standing for hours daily.
Sitting on a chair is the new smoking!
During the millennia the human body optimized for movement. However, a few decades ago we did something, we never did before, sat on a chair and became almost motionless for 7-8 hours a day. Since we adapted to this change relatively quickly our body posture also changed. Experts call the condition where the head falls forward, the chest constricts and the spine becomes bent the “IPosture”. Most people know that this posture influences the body in a negative way, for example: neck, back pain, the brain gets less blood, etc.
Not so many know that body posture also influences out stresshandling abilities, or how balanced our work performance, social and family life are, and the general level of self esteem.